Introducing Rubi!
Rubi is another tradgic example of a galgo who is no longer needed having served her owner as a hunting dog. Rubi is 9, her owner informs that she is a good hunting dog but too old now to continue hunting. He called the protection society but they cannot take her, and so they gave him my number.
I have no more foster facilities available, and I cannot afford anymore residency fees, we dont receive any economic gestures from the council nor help, we pay for analysis, castrations, travel costs, vaccinations and on top residency fees out of our own pockets. At the moment I have a further 3 galgas in foster homes and another 5 awaiting to be collected.
If anyone can help at all with any of the costs that we are paying from the galgos we colect from the street abandoned that would be a great benefit to help out with their costs.
Amigos de Milord, is another assoc. working to help the galgos of Spain and better their lives. I know they would be very greatful for any help that may come their way!
Rubi tiene 9 años, segun su dueño ha sido muy buena cazadora pero ya es mayor para cazar.
Ha llamado a la protectora para que se la recogiesen pero se han negado , dandole mi telefono.
No dispongo de mas casas de acogida, y ya no puedo pagar mas residencias caninas, no tengo subvenciones ni ayudas, pagamos analiticas, castraciones, viajes y vacunas mas las residencias de nuestro bolsillo.
Actualmente tengo 3 galgas en acogida, mas otras 5 abandonadas pendientes de coger.
Si alguien puede ayudar con los gastos de alguna de los galgos para poder sufragar su preparacion y ayudar a algunas de las que se encuentran en la calle.
Datos bancarios:
(Banco) La Caixa.(Calle) Avenida de Valladolid.(Número) 3-5.(Oficina) 1414.(Código postal) 34002.(Ciudad) Palencia. Spain.(Nombre de la cuenta) Asociacion Socorro Animal Amigos de Milord.(Número de cuenta) 2100-1414-80-0200054045.(IBAN) ES53.(Bic Swift) CAIXESBBXXX.
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