A fellow animal carer named Vero contacted me regards a case which appears to be extremely brutal. Here I introduce to you LUNA!
Luna is a little dog who has been living rough in Jaen, she was spotted and immediately Vero was drawn to her eyes, which you will see are raw. She was hard to catch and in the end had to be tranquilised in food. Upon getting close to this special girl, it appears that some cruel, a soul of iron and a heart of ice, has tried to cut her eyes out. Upon veterinary examinations you can see the cuts along the eyes and that is the thought of the vets. That an attempt to cut them out was made. This little girl has had to suffer beyond imagination. It leaves me beyond words to even understand how this could happen? Right now she is under veterinary care, if you would like to offer economic help for Luna, or adopt her please contact the email below. Vero works with a few girls who rescue dogs in need, they are slowly forming their own assoc. but they pay for costs out of their own pocket, so if you would like to help in anyway possible I am sure they would be greatful. thank goodness Luna was spotted by them, its unimaginable the suffering this special girl has gone through, its a miracle they caught her at all. Get well little Luna, we are all wishing you back to health.
Aqui te presento a Luna. Luna fue rescatado por vero. Fue abandonada a su suerte en las calles de Jaen. Pero la diferencia en este caso fue sus ojos. Era muy claro que algo no estaba bien pero fue dificil de capturarla. Al final fue necesaria de poner un tranquilzante en la comida y asi fue su rescate. Cuando ella estaba en manos de su voluntaria se ver que ha pasado, y el veterinario ha dicho exactamente lo mismo. Algun monstro o monstros, con un alma de hierro y corazon de hielo, intentado de cortar y sacar a sus ojos. Se ve por la manera de corte al roedador de sus ojos.
Que pena, esta perrita tan especial aguanto tanto dolor y agonia, ha pasado por un torturo horroroso. Ahora esta en la clinica veterinaria, esperando su mejoria y un adopcion. Vero trabajan con otros chicas rescatando perros y estan preparando para hacer un assoc propio. Pagan todo por su bolsillo, si quieres ayudar ellas mandar un email a el enlace arriba. Muchas gracias.
Suerte Luna, estamos todos contigo, que te mejores pronto y espero que los monstros que hecho esto a ti, y tus ojos bonitos, pasan por lo mismo dolor.