Esta galga hace tres ó cuatro días parió en este lugar,una casa semiderrumbada que no tardará en derrumbarse del todo pues está toda tabicada,lo peor es que a pocos metros de su camada hay un pozo de muchisimos metros de profundidad,en el momento en que esos cachorritos anden caerán por ahí aunque no creo que se los dejen a la madre cuando ellos puedan andar porque estoy convencida que ese paridero se lo han preparado para dejarla parir y robarla los cachorros,lo creo porque sólo tiene 4,porque la han preparado una especie de malla metalica que deja que la madre salga y entre y porque justo al lado vive una familia de quinquilleros conocidos por la cantidad de perritos que abandonan y tienen entre ellos galgos y galgitos.
This galga following 3 or 4 days has given birth in this dirty place, a house, derelict about to fall down. And that wont take long to happen! The worst, is that JUST a few metres away from her litter of pups is a well, a well with an incredible amount of depth. in the moment that these pups begin to walk, they can easily wander close to the edge and fall in the well. However its possible the mother wont let them get there. If she knows herself its a scary place to fall into? However i am convinced the so called " Breeder" has left her there so that later he can rob the puppies. its like the are is prepared for her to stay in there. I think this way because she only has 4 puppies, they have prepared a metal mesh so the mother can get in and out but next door lives a family relatively like "travellers" to give yo an idea, rough, known for the amount of dogs they have and later abandon, and of course in that number are galgos and young galgos.
Todos los dias se la da de comer pero es imposible cogerla,gruñe y hecha la boca quizas tambien por sus cachorros,esta tarde algo la pasa está sangrando mucho y no está bien,pido por favor ayuda,quien pueda venir con jaula trampa,sitio para esta mamá y sus 4 cachorrines,sé que soy muy pesada pero hay que sacar a esta pobre mami de este pueblo,estoy segura que le iran quitando a sus cachorros.
Everyday i take food but its impossible to catch her, she growls, and shows her teeth, surley to protect her babies, this afternoon something has happened as she is bleeding heavily and she doesnt look good. PLEASE PLEASE can anyone help if someone can come with a kennel, trap, anyting in order to get them out of there and this town. I AM SURE THEY ARE TAKING HER BABIES! ESTA EN UN PUEBLO DE TOLEDO. They are in a town in Toledo!
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